Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Attic Conversions Pt. 1

If you're like us, you love to watch a project go from design or idea, to completion. Especially those projects with a unique or cool concept - like an attic conversion. Just in case you're not familiar with an attic conversion, it is a renovation project that takes the dark, cramped space above your house - your attic, and turns it into a useful room. Attic conversions are on the rise due to families' expanding needs, and the relatively low cost of the project. In fact, the national average for return on investment for an attic conversion is 93.5%*. Homeowners are opting to utilize their current space for kid’s bedrooms, a family den or gameroom, or home office. Here is a sampling of pictures from a recent attic conversion, where the home owner converted his attic into a stylish, entertaining area.

In the rest of our Attic Conversion series, we'll take you through an attic conversion that is under construction, and presents unique challenges. It takes a firm with experience in these types of projects to handle it just right, because the typical attic houses the water heater, ducts, plumbing, etc., that may all have to be relocated and rerouted. Also, the pitch of the roof, the floor support, and electrical wiring also have to be considered when redesigning the space. Speaking with a structural engineer, with experience in attic conversions will help you answer questions about functionality, and feasibility as they arise. Our board certified structural engineer is available to come to your home when you're ready to talk about your own conversion. Please call us at 713-532-2526 or visit our website
Read the article on Mother Earth News that provides more information and answers questions about attic remodeling.

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