Friday, May 21, 2010

Attic Conversions Pt. 3 - A day in the life of an Attic Conversion

As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, one of our current clients is dealing with a unique attic conversion project. With the typical attic conversion, construction teams support the attic floor from below, allowing them to work in those tight areas without fear of damaging the area below them or causing actual structural damage to the attic.  In this particular situation, our home owner is a nurse who works the over-night shift. Instead of construction workers being able to follow normal protocol - they've actually had to shift the way they support and reinforce the attic floor by working from above. Our home owner has learned to deal with the drilling and nailing and all other noises involved in a remodel, all while trying to catch some zzz's:
I work nights so I sleep for a couple hours when I get home early in the morning, wake up to get the kids off to school, and then back to sleep for a few hours. Nothing has changed except I have learned to sleep through the noise - now I usually sleep with the TV going to try and drown out the noise.We knew what to expect with all the construction - the only stressfuly part of this project was getting approval from the HOA.
The front of our house is blocked off by black plastic drapes to keep the dust out of the rest of the house. These drapes also provide some privacy so I usually don't see the workers unless I am coming or going. It has been noisy but I have gotten used to the noise. Mary checks on the progress daily - It looks exactly how we had pictured it - we are very pleased with the progress; [the].kids are excited and keep asking when it will be done.


As you enter, the main portion of the house is blocked off to protect from dust.
Soon to be gameroom in the attic:

Check back soon to see the finished project...

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